Soul Contract Removal & Cord Cutting
Soul Contract Removal & Cord Cutting
Taking you through of disconnecting your energetic cord from others that no longer resonate.
Service Description
Guiding you through a visual journey of disconnecting your energetic silver cord from anyone that no longer serves you. Previous past partners who created trauma, family members, even past life bonds & karmic contracts need to be cut sometimes. If you are struggling to leave someone toxic behind you probably need to cut cords from them. Ensuring the Mind Body Soul Spirit Isn’t Carrying the obligations emotions and heaviness from the soul contracts & cords that are currently in place. Guiding you through the energetic journey spiritually, then taking you through the physical disconnect. Using Two candles, optional choice of essential oils / herbs, writing a releasing mantra and guiding you through the process of watching the physical disconnect between the two souls / obligations / commitments / energetic ties be implemented into the now
Cancellation Policy
Please leave at least 24 hours notice before cancellation.
Contact Details
West Yorkshire, UK