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Mind Body & Soul Retreats 2023

We are excited to announce we are opening up our waiting list for our upcoming retreats in 2023. Mind Body & Soul Retreats are designed to align all parts of yourself; An intensive process over the period of a few days to crack open the ego and parts of yourself stuck in resentment and trauma and step into your spirit. If you're ready and willing this process will bring together your mind, body & soul connecting all parts of yourself as one and flowing in alignment. 


Creating a Space for like minded individuals to allow themselves to be vulnerable, to step into their inner soul and allow your guards and barriers down to fall away, stepping away from your trauma, responses & defence mechanisms, releasing all blockages ready to be released, connecting back in with Mother Nature Gaia. Mind, Body & Soul Retreats have been created to do exactly what it says on the tin, alignment and harmony between the triad, surrendering to your true soul, calling them up, reaching in and pulling them out to the surface, You will find you on this retreat. 

Isolating you away from the distractions of every day life and soicety, allowing you to truly look within, look inside yourself, your soul. To discover the true purpose of your being. To crack you open like a nut and open you up to source, connecting you back with your inner child and higher self in one immersive intense connective soul trip. Surrounded by those of.a same vibration, ready to surrender and be vulnerable to the process with you.



Stepping out into the wild, exploring nature, sleeping under the stars, singing shamanic soul songs by the fire, dancing with the wind, Guided Meditating & Healing, Singing bowls, Crystal baths, Readings & Channeling, Artwork, Creation, Song Writing & Poetry, Yoga & Body Art, Walking, Wild Swimming, intention Setting using Herbs & so much more.


Come Join us, there's always room.

Send us an email to: quoting MBS Retreats to get your name on the waiting list, tickets will be released early 2023.

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